KickArts Radio Interview on The Road to Madhapur
18/12/22 21:58 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

I chat to Stephen Dallow and Emma Bishop about The Road to Madhapur on the KickArts radio show on Planet FM 104.6.
Listen to the interview here:
Placement is everything!
13/12/22 19:13 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

The Road to Madhapur remains high profile in bookshops, this week strategically positioned between James Paterson and J.D.Robb in Paper Plus at Oamaru. Fantastic to be in such distinguished company!
The Road to Madhapur Book Launch
05/12/22 19:23 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

We had a highly successful book launch for The Road to Madhapur at the Business Hive in Oamaru on Tuesday.
Sandwiched between John Grisham and James Patterson
04/12/22 14:00 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

I am delighted to see my book The Road to Madhapur sandwiched between John Grisham and James Patterson at Paper Plus in Oamaru!
Chek out the latest media on The Road to Madhapur
19/11/22 15:59 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

With the official book launch just ten days away, media interest in The Road to Madhapur has taken off. Following the Radio New Zealand broadcast, I gave a far-reaching Q&A interview with NZ Booklovers:
David Whittet talks about The Road to Madhapur.
NZ Booklovers have also reviewed The Road to Madhapur:
The Road to Madhapur by David Whittet
Flaxroots have posted an in-depth review:
Author’s experience makes a believable novel
And if you haven't already, check out my article on achieving our life goals as we grow older.
It’s Never too late to follow your dreams - David Whittet - Grownups
The Road to Madhapur Book Trailer
13/11/22 17:37 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur
Check out this dramatic book trailer and experience The Road to Madhapur in sixty glorious seconds!
Join us for The Road to Madhapur Book Launch
13/11/22 16:40 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

Join us for The Road to Madhapur book launch at The Business Hive in Oamaru on Tuesday 29 November at 7pm. I will be signing books and reading from The Road to Madhapur.
All welcome. Register you interest here.
The Road to Madhapur on Radio New Zealand
06/11/22 17:35 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur
I talked about The Road to Madhapur and my author journey on Radio New Zealand’s Standing Room Only show this afternoon.

Listen to the interview here:

Listen to the interview here:
The Road to Madhapur Giveaway at Grown Ups
27/09/22 14:24 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

Grown Ups, the social magazine that connects New Zealand’s 50+ community are giving away two signed copies of The Road to Madhapur. If you’re fifty or over, sign up here! The Road to Madhapur Giveaway
While visiting the Grown Ups site, check out my article on following your dreams. It’s Never to Late to Follow your Dreams
The Road to Madhapur Cover Reveal
26/09/22 18:47 Filed in: David's Writing | The Road to Madhapur

Over the past month, I have worked with the extraordinarily talented Holly Dunn on the cover design for The Road to Madhapur. The process has proved a fantastic journey of discovery. From Holly's initial concept art to the finished product, each stage brought fresh vitality and a true reflection of the spirit of my story.
You're terrific, Holly! I am proud to have your work on my cover.

Gang Girl Teaser Trailer
15/05/22 19:14 Filed in: David's Writing | Gang Girl
Watch this short teaser trailer and get the Gang Girl experience in twenty-six glorious seconds!
Gang Girl Audiobook Trailer
Check out this cool trailer for the Gang Girl audiobook, available now on all major audiobook platforms worldwide.
A fresh stock on Gang Girl at Oamaru Paper Plus
23/04/22 19:58 Filed in: David's Writing | Gang Girl

For my lovely local readers, there’s a fresh stock of Gang Girl at Paper Plus in Oamaru.
And what an honour to be on the same shelf as my guru, Fiona McIntosh!

Five Star Award for Gang Girl on Indie Reader
15/03/22 17:03 Filed in: David's Writing | Gang Girl

Indie Reader describes Gang Girl as 'an extraordinary read':
GANG GIRL is a well written and memorable tale filled with enough drama, conflict, and intrigue to keep readers fully engaged. Intense pacing and clever plot twists and turns work collectively to unravel a complex story that is woven together in a coherent manner with just the right balance of action, description, dialogue and exposition to make this book an extraordinary read.
Read the full review here:
Sound Salad Podcast

To celebrate the launch of the Gang Girl audiobook, I talked to Romy Hooper—the voice of Alicia in the audiobook—about the inspiration behind the book and chatted about my other projects.
Read Romy's show notes below and listen to the podcast:
First episode of the year - woohoo!
I was chuffed to finally speak with David Whittet - the author of recently released Gang Girl, who also happens to be a filmmaker and a family doctor to boot. When David came to Audiobooks NZ to have Gang Girl produced, I was lucky enough to be the narrator for his protagonist Alicia’s side of the story. It’s as good a listen as it is a read! Check it out on davidwhittet.com or AudiobooksNZ.co.nz
Storytelling has been prevalent in David’s family since childhood, with fond memories of TV serials, and a particularly impactful trip to the local cinema to see Lawrence of Arabia. Recognising that stories like Oliver Twist had the power to change the poor law in the UK, or The Citadel inspiring the National Health Service, he was convinced he wanted to be part of creating equally moving and powerful stories.
Having worked in rural communities here and in India, David has a rich tapestry of experience to draw from when creating his characters, and choosing which of their stories to tell.
Meeting patients and their families in these environments has generated somewhat of an artistic activist, with one of his earlier films ‘Hikoi’ being made in response to a Hone Harawera interview about the importance of awareness around child poverty. David wanted to comment on this and the lack of support for social workers within the context of the hikoi to parliament in 2015.
Set in NZ’s West Coast, Gang Girl has been a number of years in the making and centres around an immigrant family who have commandeered the charming wee town of Roaring Creek Falls. The main big guy brothers don’t get along, there’s a trillion layers and family secrets riddled throughout, and the kids (as we meet them at the beginning of the book) just want to get the hell away from it all. Named after the Crane twins from London, the rivalry wreaks violent havoc on most of their lives - and those of the neighbouring civilians. Inspired by a story told to David by a notorious local gang leader, and the attempts of his daughter to get away, Alicia’s world was born, and is extended in 2 sequels ‘Blood Cousins’ and ‘Gang Blood’...watch this space.
Other titles in the pipeline are ‘The Road to Madhapur’ about a Kiwi doctor disillusioned with life and his travels to Madhapur, inspired by David’s time spent doing rescue work in India, and ‘Threepence on the Carpet’ about an unsuccessful musician in the 60s returning from London to a bizarre inheritance. Needless to say, with these all on the go and his work as a general practitioner, David is one busy Oamaruvian. He actively supports local projects and content, so if you’re in the South get in touch with him via the contact form on his website.
The Gang Girl Audiobook is here!

I'm beyond excited to see Gang Girl come to life in this fantastic new audiobook. Romy Hooper owns the voice of Alicia, and I have already asked her to reprise her role in Blood Cousins, the next book in the series. Romy described the book as a 'gut-punch story about a kick-arse woman'. Both Romy and co-narrator Paul Harrop add a definite 'punch' to their performances—so much so that I rediscovered my story with this recording.
Sincere thanks to both Romy and Paul for their brilliant performances. I am also eternally grateful to Theo Gibson and the team at Audiobooks NZ for their expertise and sharing this journey with me.
Listen to the first chapter here.
The Gang Girl audiobook is available on all major audio platforms.

Check out Focus Magazine's review of Gang Girl
23/02/22 17:00 Filed in: David's Writing | Gang Girl

Dee Collins reviews Gang Girl in Focus Magazine's Latest Books to Read - New releases in different genres you'll enjoy.

Tune in to TV3 tomorrow morning!
23/02/22 16:37 Filed in: David's Writing | Gang Girl

I will be talking about Gang Girl and the newly released audiobook on the AM Show on TV3 tomorrow morning.
More Gut Punch in the Gang Girl Audiobook Pre-Masters

I have discovered my book anew while listening to the pre-masters for the Gang Girl audiobook. Romy Hooper brings even more gut punch to Alicia’s story as she captures the heart and soul of this ‘kick-arse woman’. While Romy possesses Alicia, Paul Harrop gets under the skin of her childhood friend turned nemesis, Mickey.
Romy and Paul are consummate artists, and their engagement with my story is legendary. I can’t wait to bring you this gripping audiobook.