November shoot confirmed - And a New Year Premiere
24/08/13 16:31 Filed in: Film Making | Amiri & Aroha

Cameras will roll once more in November for the final shoot of the Amiri & Aroha trilogy. It promises to be an intense shoot, with a spectacular car chase, a dramatic escape at sea and many other sensational scenes for an unforgettable conclusion to the trilogy!
Meticulous planning is required for the complex and hair-raising stunts. This shoot will be the most dazzling and electrifying to date and will send off the trilogy with a bang!
Post production continues alongside the preparations and we are on course for the Gala Première early in the New Year.
These are exciting times for all us of who have worked so hard on this project for so long. And new adventures lie ahead as Amiri & Aroha takes on Hollywood!
Please help us make this finale as special as possible by supporting our IndieGoGo campaign!