Life gained, life lost

I feel I am just beginning to get my life back after the completion of Amiri & Aroha, which has so dominated the past eighteen months!
I have reclaimed some more family time to explore the wonderful Waitaki Valley, which is so spectacular with the bright crisp winter days we have been having recently. I have also been able to give more time to my project to develop family medicine in Cambodia, making preparations and video conferencing with potential supporters.
Who was it said that success was a double-edged word? Certainly, the success of Amiri & Aroha in international competition has both inspired me and propelled me into the next production. My head is buzzing with the storyline of Amiri’s Child, the next chapter in the Amiri & Aroha trilogy and a companion piece to Amiri & Aroha. I believe I have another really compelling story in my mind and I have been battling to get this down on paper and shape the script.
The creative impulse is a very hard force to resist...
Read more about the first recce for Amiri’s child on the Amiri & Aroha official blog.