Andante and Thursday's Child Restored
11/01/16 21:19 Filed in: Film Making | Digital Restoration

Happy New Year to everyone!
The new year is a time for reflection, and I have spent some leisure time over the holidays restoring some of my first films. Immersing myself in this archival footage has provided a unique opportunity to consider my aspirations as a filmmaker in those early days and contrast it with my present work.
Amongst my earliest films, two productions have a particular place in my affections. Thursday’s Child was my very first attempt at filmmaking, made during my last year at school. I shot Andante during my second year at medical school. Andante marked my first success in international competition and perhaps more than anything defined my visual style as a filmmaker.
Digital restoration of Andante has had its challenges. Shot on Super 8 film, the negative has deteriorated over the years. Nevertheless, the task has proved a labour of love. Despite the technical limitations of some scratched and grainy film stock, the film still holds a special magic. With a brand new soundtrack, with my old friend Dave Buckeridge (aka Warren Philp or the infamous Lamonge in Amiri & Aroha) providing the voice over, a brooding contemplative exploration of the central character’s mind.
The New Year promises great things. The novelisation of Amiri & Aroha is almost complete, allowing me to focus on my next production. is a hard-hitting contemporary drama focusing on child poverty. Reflection on my earliest work has provided invaluable insights as I get down to work on these new projects.