An exciting evening with our latest cast members!
12/07/12 22:47 Filed in: Film Making | Amiri & Aroha

Introducing the new members of the Amiri & Aroha team to the art of film making.
Warren Philp (who plays Amiri’s lawyer Lamonge) and I had an exciting evening working with the new actors who have joined our team following Tuesday’s auditions.
After a brief orientation session, we got straight down to work, shooting a night scene, set in gangland, where Lamonge receives money for laundering from the gang in the back of a car. It was a technically difficult scene to shoot, with cables running everywhere in the dark to get that seedy gangland look from the lighting.
Then it was straight in at the deep end, shooting the difficult and intense scenes where Lamonge demands rewards from the gangland women…
Lisa Beach, Alex McMenamin and Edward Tipene slipped into their roles beautifully and as ever, Warren Philp played Lamonge to perfection.
I look forward to working with this team again in October!

Alex McMenamin, Lisa Beach, Warren Philp and Edward Tipene act out a money laundering scene in front of the green screen at tonight’s shoot.