Rere's Children - The Rough Cut
11/08/13 21:05 Filed in: Film Making | Amiri & Aroha

The rough cut of Rere's Children is coming together beautifully and is shaping up to be a compelling piece of cinema in its own right, as well as a stunning conclusion to the Amiri & Aroha trilogy.
But with negotiations continuing for a mini series and a cinema release, it is clear that we will need another shooting session to complete the trilogy. Most significantly, we were unable to film the car chase as Cory Garrett, who plays Troy, went down with Norovirus during our last shoot. The car chase results in Amiri's arrest, a key storyline in the final film.
We also hope to shoot Lamonge's escape on a ship in a dramatic scene at Gisborne Harbour.
Keep watching this blog for more news: the current plan is an October shoot and a Christmas premiere for the trilogy.