Be the first virtual assistant director in cinema history!

Beam me up to the Amiri & Aroha set!
Central to our IndieGoGo campaign is providing all our supporters with the opportunity to experience the joys of independent film making.
For locals and those able to travel to our locations in New Zealand, we encourage you to get involved, in front or behind the camera, with one of our unique rewards.
The challenge has been to enable those unable to travel to New Zealand to take an active part in the film.
In the digital age, we are all familiar with videoconferencing. Our supporters will take this to the next level, joining us on set with an interactive video link.
I always say to assistant directors that they are the director's eyes and ears on location, keeping a sharp lookout for continuity errors that can so easily creep in on a busy shoot. Our virtual assistant directors will be able to view both the set and the video feed from the film camera remotely and alert us to potential issues.
Our groundbreaking new technology brings some industry first screen credits. Be the first virtual assistant director in cinema history!