Producing a Blog and Podcast for "Amiri & Aroha"
01/06/10 19:00 Filed in: Film Making

So much has changed since my last film! An official blog for the film and a podcast are essential tools for today’s independent film maker.
Today I launched our official Amiri & Aroha blog and podcast on my website, which will be an ongoing journal of the making of the film from the initial concept, project development and casting, through to the shooting and editing and hopefully exhibition at international film festivals in the New Year. I aim to keep the podcast alive with raw footage as we begin to assemble the rough cut and take our podcast subscribers behind the scenes with slideshows and material from our video monitor camera.
When I think back to the facilities available to me when I made The Best Place for Joe, the opportunities the opportunities for today’s independent film makers are awe inspiring. Video hosting sites, blogs and podcasting can instantly bring your work to a vast audience on a scale inconceivable a couple of decades ago. And software such as Apple’s Final Cut Pro brings professional facility house features to every independent film maker.