A rare opportunity to experience Ryan's Daughter on the big screen again

This is me circa 1986 at the Schoolhouse set from Ryan’s Daughter
Our weekly trip to Dunedin for the David Lean season continued this week with Ryan’s Daughter.
Ryan’s Daughter is one of those films which over the years has developed a huge cult following and has become one of cinema’s icons. Books have been written on the legendary trials and tribulations of its production, and critical reappraisal has assured it a place as David Lean’s most underestimated film and his undiscovered masterpiece.
Ryan’s Daughter was tremendously influential on me as a young film maker, coming as it did in 1970, whilst I was planning my first film Thursday’s Child.
I am not alone in making a pilgrimage to the locations where this extraordinary film was made. The school house still stands, over 40 years after the film was made!